Monday, September 26, 2016

Negative Campaign Ads 2016

negative campaign ads 2016

Though most people claim to dislike them, negative ads are now a must-have for every presidential campaign. ruthann lariscy explains why.. With negative keywords, you can: prevent your ad from showing to people searching for or visiting websites about things you don't offer. show your ads to people who. Anti-trump groups and campaigns spent $75.7 million on 64,000 negative ads against donald trump this election cycle. and that’s just broadcast television..

Negative space art / design / illustrations / ads - IBM: Smarter ...

Negative space art / design / illustrations / ads - ibm: smarter

Total 2012 Election Spending Could Hit $9.8B | Campaign Trail - AdAge

Total 2012 election spending could hit $9.8b | campaign trail - adage

Anti-trump groups and campaigns spent $75.7 million on 64,000 negative ads against donald trump this election cycle. and that’s just broadcast television..